Friday, December 31, 2010
The Culprits: Causes of Snoring
So what truly cause snoring. This may be quite a hard-to-answer question when were talking of only one cause. For in fact, there are many basic contributors that all funnel into the greater source of the problem.
Medically, snoring is defined as a noise caused by vibration from the airways of the respiratory tract that only appears during sleep.
The big question here is that, why, of all state, do we only experience snoring during restful moments?
Well, while we breathe 24/7, the likelihood that one snores during waking hours is very slim. This is due to the factor that only relaxed muscles can result to snoring.
During sleep, all our voluntary muscles are relaxed. The throat, in the same way as the triceps are relaxed is also resting while we sleep. The fact that tissues in the throat are soft, adds to the eventual output of vibrating sounds.
Once this tissue eases out, the passage of air will turn into a narrower passage. As you can see, narrowed passages causes louder noise because there is more room for friction, thus the vibration.
These same factors are also pointed as the reasons why there are differences in the loudness, pitch and tone of snores.
The loudness of snore is affected by the force of the wind that comes through the air passages. Therefore, when the speed of wind is faster, the snore, in general, is louder and more resonant. This answers why babies are capable of snoring too. However, theirs is not typically considered as snoring but only as mild noises created by the respiratory tract. This must never be ignored though since it may be the early sign that something is jammed in your child's respiration tunnel.
But while it may appear to both genders at any age, men are more often affected by this condition than women and middle-aged men are most likely to be the victims.
This is due to the reason that men have more fleshy necks since theirs are a bit wider than women's. This factor combined with the speed of air, the result is most likely to be snoring.
Meanwhile, women by nature produce progesterone hormones. This is known to inhibit snoring, thus they are less susceptible towards the irritable sounds. Because this actual hormone helps in relieving a person from this nighttime dilemma, some anti-snoring devices are known to use progesterone as their basic ingredient.
Lifestyle and health factors are also thought of as culprits of snoring. These include:
§ Allergies that cause clogs in the air paths.
§ Drying of the nasal cavities due to several elements including allergy medications.
§ Cold and flu, this explains why some people only experience snoring when they are sick.
§ Excessive intake of alcohol.
§ Thickening of the tissues along the nasal passage. Often, surgeries done on conditions not directly related to snoring can also contribute to the frequency and intensity of the snores.
§ Abnormally large belly or guts.
§ Irritation of the air passages due to overuse of nasal sprays.
§ Abnormal enlargement of the tonsils or the adenoids.
§ Smoking which causes inflammation in the air passages.
§ Swelling of the thyroid gland or goiter.
§ Blockage of the airflow due to large tongue.
§ Medications that initiate relaxation
§ Obesity
§ Inefficient neural control on the nasal membranes.

Colic - The Relationship With Breastfeeding
When a newborn baby comes out of the womb, doctors encourage mothers to breastfeed the infant. This is because the milk that comes out has nutrients in the right concentrations. It also has antibodies, which becomes the first line of defense against harmful bacteria and viruses.
Studies show that a mother can continue to breastfeed the child until it reaches 4 years of age. But because the teeth have already been developed, many decide to use a pump or change this for artificial milk.
One of the first challenges parents will face in the first six months is a condition where the baby becomes colic. This is when the infant will cry for no reason at all that will take months to subside.
Some doctors believe that the reason why a baby will behave in this manner is due to the milk that is fed from the mother’s breast.
There are two theories that explain this. The first is because babies who suck milk also take in a certain amount of air. Mother’s are encourage to let the infant burp before going to sleep so he or she won’t wake up later on.
The second is from the types of food that the mother eats. Gaseous foods, which are digested, are passed on to the infant in the form of milk causing the colic to happen.
Until now, there is insufficient proof to prove there is a relationship between breastfeeding and colic. Believe it or not, this happens more often to bottle-fed rather than breast fed infants. This means the mother should just watch out the food being eaten so this condition does not happen.
Those who are unable to do it can ask help from a dietitian so certain dishes can be substituted for something else.
Watching the food and making sure the infant burps are just two ways to handle a colic baby. The mother can also carry the child onto the shoulders or in a swaying motion. Some even sing a lullaby making the infant go back to sleep.
The parents can also put a CD player near the crib that will play nursery rhymes. This will serve as background so the baby will not wake up from the sounds coming from outside the room or the house.
During the daytime, a colic baby can also be remedied with a warm bath or a massage. This is because adults who are stressed sometimes use this to release the tension in the muscles, which makes this also work for the child.
If the infant has grown some teeth already, perhaps giving a pacifier can help. Some babies’ cry when he or she is not sucking onto something and this device can work as a substitute for the mother’s breast.
There is nothing wrong if the doctor classifies the baby as a colic. In fact, this is a blessing in disguise because this means that the little boy or girl is normal. The excessive crying or shouting are ways for the infant to ask for attention that will serve as a wake up call for first time parents.
The parents should just persevere through this phase. After all, colic babies are hereditary which means the same thing happened to the mother and father many years ago.

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Andropause : Mystery, Unraveling the Truth
When a man enters the age of forty, he begins to experience the awkward feeling of confusion, split personality and stressfulness. He tends to lose his sense of purpose as well as his former self. He is craving for the new order of things, more ventures and is spinning out of control.
In the quest to understand this crisis, series of studies are undertaken. Even the medical science allots time to formulate possible formulas to find the remedy on its symptoms. There are creams, pellets, pills and even surgeries that are deemed to resolve the crisis.
But what is really in the core of this predicament? Dr. Robert S. Tan constructed his book of Andropause mystery: unraveling the truths about male menopause in the pursuit to explain the circumstances and why they happen to a man.
According to Dr. Robert Tan, menopause or the declination of hormonal levels comes to pass to both men and women. For men, such transition period is called andropause. The period usually strikes at forty when age normally causes internal troubles to almost everyone. Subsequently, internal changes had exterior manifestations in terms of social, career and family interactions.
Furthermore, Dr. Robert Tan added that as the man reaches the age of 50-70, the symptoms become more visible and provoked. Symptoms such as declination of levels of virility and energy accompanied by easily being exhausted, rapid mood sways and palpitations appear. Most men report their erectile dysfunction as the most notable event during andropause. Apart from this, Dr. Tan’s patients also complained of their being nervous, irritable and depressed.
Palpitations are due to the decrease of the testosterone level caused by over reaction of the autonomic system. It must be noted that it is natural for men who are suffering from andropause.
Formerly active men who used to be directed to their careers and power enhancement suddenly become close to family and their friends. However, there are some who preferred to find a new set up on their lifestyle which will turn them from the confusion and depression of andropause period.
The medical science has prepared remedies to relieve these symptoms. The problem is that most men do not submit to seeing a doctor even for health reasons. The reason is that it hits their masculine pride to be thought of as either vulnerable or dependent. This becomes a challenge to most wives.
One way to convince men to see the doctor is by accompanying him to a trained and understanding expert. By going together, the doctor can fully extract the needed information from the couple. However, there will also be times when the interview would be held independently to do away with the inhibitions.
As part of the clinical study, the following things are being checked as andropause basis: hair loss, shrinkage of testicles, decrease of libido and sex drive, erectile dysfunction, exhaustion, depression, decrease of muscle strength, oligospermia, and decrease in bone density.
Since the andropause stage could be very stressful among men, it is advisable that wives should become more understanding and supportive. Andropausal men should be encouraged to organize himself, to manage his alcohol and cigarette consumption, to relax, to eat healthy foods and to exercise.
Andropause is another profound journey which needs the positive involvement of the family. Not only men shall beat the odds, but everyone who loves him.

Snoring : Causes and Cures
The sounds of snoring are possible since there are collapsible parts at the back of our mouth that relaxes when we sleep. Once these are at their relaxed states, the air flow will drive them to flip since they are dangling loose nearest to the throat. These structures will then strike each other as air passes which then cause them to vibrate and create sounds.
Persons bothered by this condition are affected by one of these following causes:
Excess fleshy structure in the throat- With more tissues that collide, it is more likely that snoring can occur. This explains why people snore when they have abnormal tonsils or adenoids. Overweight individuals, on the other hand, have larger necks that narrow the air passage while adding more obstructions due to the presence of excess tissues. Although rare, cysts and tumors can also directly cause snoring.
Some people have extra long uvula and soft palate. These muscles can dangle as a person breathes. These act as flutter valves that impede the normal air passage through the throat.
Obstruction in the nasal passage can also inhibit the movement of air from nose to lungs- If the person has stuffy nose, he is encouraged to breathe extra hard which then creates the vacuum in the throat. The parts that dangle loosely in this section of the respiratory tract are then subject to excessive movements. While a person doesn't normally snore, the possibility that he would during hay fever season is high. Thus, many reports of snoring only when they have colds.
Problems with the nose construction- The nasal septum, the underlying bone of the nosal bridge that separates one nostril from the other, can also have deformities that may cause obstruction in the air flow.
Mouth breathing can also directly result to snores- Once the jaws drop during our sleep, a space will be created that would allow the tongue to fall back towards the throat. Again, this would create the obstruction that will encourage vibration, thus creating snores.
Having said all these, we then suggest that cures can be initiated when any of these results are directly counter acted.
Say for the excess tissues in the throat, the best possible cure is to remove the tissues that cause the blockage. This can be done through surgeries or through loosing weight.
There are many techniques used to surgically eliminate unwanted tissues. Some actually scrape these tissues while other allow electrically-induced disintegration of such muscles which will then be reabsorbed by the body. As for weight loss, there are also various methods of loosing pounds. Only, the person has to follow a comprehensive exercise or diet plan that will best fit his condition. Surgery is also used when the main cause of snoring is deviated nasal septum. This choice of cure will of course require careful examination and determined decision.
Mouth breathing, on the other hand, is best cured by shifting to nasal breathing. Many exercises had been devised to actualize this as much as there are a number of stop snoring devices that encourage the shift of breathing.
Problems on nasal passage are a bit less complicated to resolve. There are various stop snoring aids that aim to maximize the size of the nostrils through the use of clips and straps to facilitate better breathing.

The Truth about Colics
Colic is so common among infants that most people are not surprise anymore when it happens. Still, for the first time mom it can be a harrowing and panicking experience especially with her normally quiet angel screaming non-stop in the background. It is usually manifested at about two to three weeks of age. It becomes more prominent during the first two months and subsides at three months old. Colic altogether stops at about three-and-a-half to four months of age.
Colic is actually not so dangerous. It might seem so though from the way babies would cry and scream at the top of their lungs. In fact, it can be so common that parents may experience an episode on a daily basis; and after the first episode, parents usually learn to handle succeeding ones with aplomb. Still, physicians and scientists cannot pinpoint up until now just what exactly causes colic. It just happens.
Colic, to those who are not familiar with the problem, is a stomach ache that occurs after eating. Because of the continuous pain, babies cry for hours and hours until the colic is relieved. Crying can last for about one to four hours, depending on the severity of the pain. Babies’ cheeks will also become red from the exertion and perhaps the pain.
When there is colic, the belly of the baby may become distended or may become enlarged. One leg will be bent while the other will extended straight out. The feet will become cold and the hands clenched tight because of the pain. This is actually a common reaction for people whose stomachs pain them.
Often, it will occur late in the afternoon or early in the evening after every meal. It can however also happen any time of the day. Not all babies suffer from colic and some even suffer less frequent than others. Medical experts believe that genetics play a role. It seems that if one or both parents have suffered from colic when they were babies, their offspring will also experience colic episodes.
Still, there are factors that will exacerbate a colic condition in babies. Below are some of them. Read on so that you can avoid these factors and prevent your baby from further suffering.
1. Overfeeding can only worsen the situations when you have a colicky baby in your arms. Make sure that your baby is suffering from hunger and not colic before you feed him again.
2. There are certain foods that will worsen the colic. Those with high sugar content, those with undiluted juice will only increase the gas in the stomach and thus, exacerbate the condition.
3. Intestinal allergy may also cause colic so it is important for moms to know just what makes their babies allergic. It may be from something that they have directly eaten or something that you passed on through the milk in your breasts.
4. Intense feelings can also affect colic. Emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety and excitement should be avoided as this will only worsen the pain for the baby.
The best way to help your baby is to first not panic and then to read up as much as possible even before an episode occurs. Nonstop crying can be a result of a host of other things so it is important that you also keep your eyes open so that you will know what exactly ails your baby. Keep in mind that there is no known cause; so there is also no known cure for it except to make the experience as comfortable and less painful as possible.

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Fitness for Women- Stay Fit and Healthy
Here are 10 tips for women to stay fit and healthy:
1. Staying fit and healthy starts with a balanced diet. Know and monitor the right weight for your age. Consult your doctor to learn what food you should avoid and follow your eating discipline routines. If you are trying to lose some weight, foods with high calories should be omitted from your meals. Food with high fiber and low fat should be included a priority in your grocery list instead of red meat, sugars and fats.
2. Drink plenty of water. Drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday. This cleanses the body from impurities. It is also advised for lactating women to increase water intake to keep the body hydrated.
3. Take Vitamins and Supplements. Do not forget your Calcium supplement. Sufficient Calcium intake is beneficial for women of all ages. This has been proven to prevent having cramps and Pre-Menstrual Period (PMS) Symptoms. It also prevents Osteoporosis especially for menopausal women. Vitamin E boosts strong immune system. Women who undergo menopausal period should take Vitamin E-400 as it stops night sweats and hot flashes. Also, Vitamin E is said to be best in avoiding wrinkles when aging.
4. Quit smoking. If you are smoking, stop. It is also a big “NO” for pregnant women, as this will affect the health of the baby. Pregnant women who smoke may pass the harmful content of cigarettes to babies through the bloodstream. Recent studies have shown that women smokers are more prone to diseases than men smokers. Women who smoke have a high risk of getting breast cancer. Also limit your alcohol intake.
5. Incorporate exercises in your daily routine. Take a walk after work, use stairs instead of elevator or play with your kids when you are at home. Home exercises are also effective especially when you do not have time to go to the gym and would like to lose some weight. Yoga and Pilates are only a few of the many effective exercises you can do at home. Exercises help in limiting the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
6. Avoid stress. Many women are prone to too much stress. Stress has been known as cause to many sicknesses. As much as possible take time to relax. Read a good book, hang out with friends and engage into sports. Pamper yourself by going to parlors or you can do some shopping. And do not forget to get enough sleep to revive your energy.
7. Use sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Wear hats when under the sun to protect your skin. Too much sun is bad for your skin. The skin is prone to cancer when exposed to too much sunlight. It also speeds up the aging of skin cells, which causes wrinkles to women.
8. Make sure to visit your dentist to keep that beautiful smile. Always have it cleaned to prevent cavities and bad breath.
9. Visit your Gynecologist. Women who are eighteen and above should have their Physical Examination annually especially for the Pap Smear test. Women who are forty and up should have their mammograms and the Breast self-exam is encouraged once puberty has been reached and should be a habit as they mature
10. Safe sex is strongly recommended. Use condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

Beauty and Fitness
Health is wealth. By being physically fit, it can make a person look lean both inside and out.
There is a lot a person can do such jogging or walking in the morning, playing basketball or any other sport with friends but if a person wants to have muscles and look lean, the best thing to do will be to sign up and workout in a gym.
Just like taking any medicine, one should first consult the doctor before undergoing any form of exercise.
Physical exercise is beneficial because it helps maintain and improve ones health from a variety of diseases and premature death. It also makes a person feel happier and increases ones self esteem preventing one from falling into depression or anxiety. It has also shown to make a person with an active lifestyle live longer than a person who doesn’t.
The best exercise plan should have cardiovascular and weight training exercises. This helps burn calories and increase the muscle to fat ratio that will increase ones metabolism and make one either gain or lose weight.
A person who has never worked out before should do it gradually. Doing it too much for the first time can make one pull a muscle or have an injury making it worse. Endurance will never be built in a day and doing it repeatedly will surely be good to the person.
Focusing on certain portion in the body can help make it improve. A good example is going to the gym and doing a workout more often in a specific area such as the abs can give one a chest pack.
But beauty is not only about having muscles which is what people can see. It is also about enhancing the beauty within.
Here are some things one can do everyday to stay beautiful and healthy;
- Reading books and other reading material more often keeps the mind sharp just like working out keeps the body in shape.
- Work no matter what kind it is produces stress. One can reduce this by taking the time out to do something special like lying in a hot tub, shopping or watching a movie. Studies have shown it is reliever and helps one from looking haggardly.
- Pollution is something people cannot control given the size of the problem. When one goes out, it is best to put some form of protection such as beauty products that contain antioxidants that protect the skin from damage. There are also other beauty products available and choosing the right one with the help of a dermatologist can help the person.
- Another way to stay healthy is to give up some vices. Most people smoke and drink. Smoking has been proven to cause lung cancer and other diseases as well complications for women giving birth. Excessive drinking has also shown to do the same.
- For people who don’t smoke, it is best to stay away from people who do since studies have shown that nonsmokers are also at risk of developing cancer due to secondary smoke inhalation.
- Lastly, it is best to always start the day with a positive outlook. Just as studies have shown that exercise makes a person feel happier, smiling produces the same effect. A smile can do a lot and it is contagious in a positive sense. It brightens the day of not only one but others as well.

Friday, December 10, 2010
Power of Antioxidants
Everyone wants to grow old gracefully. Some go under the knife to get that youthful look while others opt for a more natural way to maintain that healthful glow. The way to make peace with age can be found in the types of foods that we eat and the miracle ingredient they contain.
This hidden “miracle” is called antioxidants. They have graced the pages of magazines, medical journals and every product from hand cream to supplement pills. But what are antioxidants and what can they do to keep you looking your best?
Antioxidants are substances that fight the aging process that goes on in your body. They are not produced by the body so to get the benefit of these power-packed substances you must ingest them. A variety of foods contain antioxidants.
Let’s go back to the beginning. The body continually replenishes its cells. Through a process called cellular metabolism, the body produces energy, more cells and repairs any damage. One by-product of cellular metabolism is unstable molecules called free radicals.
Free radicals are molecules that damage your body. They are unstable because they are missing an electron. To get another one and become stable, free radicals will steal electrons from cells. That theft damages the cells in a variety of ways.
The results are visible and invisible changes to our bodies. The development of diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis and neurological deficiencies may begin to affect you as you age. Also, thinner skin wrinkles and brittle bones are a problem. Free radicals enter our body from outside sources as well: cigarette smoke, radiation and the sun’s UV rays. The more free radicals we encounter, the greater the damage that can be done.
Antioxidants have been shown to be of great help in the free radical problem. Antioxidant substances combine with free radicals and neutralize them. Once they are neutralized, they can no longer do any damage. Scientists don’t have any idea of a recommended daily dose of antioxidants to correct free radical damage and the diseases that come with age, but they do know that eating foods rich in antioxidants makes a huge difference in how we live.
Where do you find antioxidants? They are all around us. Look no further than your local farmer’s market or produce aisle in the grocery store. Fruits and vegetables contain the principle sources of antioxidants.
Examples of antioxidants include:
* Vitamin C
* Vitamin A
* Vitamin E
* Lutein
* Lycopene
* Beta-carotene
Certain minerals like zinc and selenium also function in the body. They are not antioxidants but they boost the immune system to fight against free radical damage.
Antioxidants are also found in nuts, legumes, cold water fish, seafood and red meat. So, eating a varied diet of fruits, vegetables and the foods just named will increase the amount of antioxidants in your system and help reduce the incidence of disease. Eating fruits and vegetables in their natural form instead of juices brings the benefit of other nutrients found in the foods. Juices also contain a lot of sugar that is not needed by your body.
Food does more than stave off hunger. Natural substances found there can cause us to live longer and stay free of disease as we age.

Getting Rid Of Bad Breath
Bad breath can really get you sick to the bones if you have it, which is why you need to know clearly if you do really have it in your mouth. This oral condition is usually caused by the bacteria that thrive between teeth, mouth walls, and most especially, by the tongue. If you are ashamed of admitting to others you have bad breath but they are clearly backing away from you when you are speaking, opt to self check. You can do it two ways:
1.) The anterior check. The anterior is the front most part of your tongue. Self test by licking your wrist and smelling it after it dries or after about five minutes. What it smells is just how your breath smells to others.
2.) The posterior check. The posterior of your tongue is the back part. This is where the bacteria causing your oral condition thrive. Scrape that part of your tongue with a metal or silver spoon. Normally, you will be able to get some white soft matter. Smell it. If it smells too bad to you then you got that chronic bad breath everyone is getting rid of.
Now that you know you have it in your mouth, you have to get rid of it by treating it either by using bad breath home remedy or with the help of a dental professional of your choice. If you opt to do it in both ways, then here are tips of how you do it.
1.) Improve your oral hygiene by properly brushing your teeth. If needed, switch to a better toothpaste of your choice; or if you are seeing a professional, you can ask for an advice of which toothpaste to use. Use a mouthwash or natural mint-based deodorizer right after brushing or immediately after eating dairy foods, meats, and fishes. Do not use sweet or tablet forms of deodorizer as these may even leave residues that will complicate or even aggravate your oral condition. The brushing procedure must also be bettered by brushing the teeth first, massage the gums and cheek walls, and brush the tongue from the back to the front.
2.) Eat plenty of fibrous fruits and foods. This will help you regain fresher breath and even better the condition of your gums and teeth.
3.) Drink plenty of water while avoiding too much coffee and alcohol. Doing so will replace the saliva that you need to maintain the teeth and the overall hygiene of your mouth. Heavy drinks like coffee and alcohol leave residues that may even aggravate your present oral condition though.
4.) Visit your oral professional for advices. If you have an official dentist, go for regular tracking of your oral condition. The same also applies when you have hired a dentist or bad breath professional to track on your improvement.
Don’t let a simple bad breath get to you. Not even a choric one by immediately contacting your oral professional for an advice or treatment. You also need to be very flexible in doing the treatment yourself to ensure that you get the best result you wanted. And if you are already fairing well, don’t stop from exercising these good preventive maintenances.
Continue it and if you are already satisfied that you are well, you can reduce the use of deodorizer. Replace it with a sugar-free gum that will also stimulate your gums and the production of saliva in your mouth.

Get Rid Of The Symptoms With Bad Breath Medicines
When people ran away from you as you initiate a conversation, you most likely will rejected thinking that they do not want you. This can be a horrible experience especially this happened not only once but twice or even more. But instead of feeling down, check yourself for you might be a sufferer of halitosis, in simple terms bad breath. The truth is people cannot stand it when a whiff of smelly, stinking breath odor comes into their nostril.
It is a funny thing because sometimes they do stand it when they talk across people who are physically filthy but it is almost impossible to talk longer with someone who breathes out ghastly air. So, if you have been experiencing like they are rejecting you, check yourself if you do have it. Then if you do, don’t whine at it instead seek bad breath medicines and cure it to avoid having the same scenario in the future.
When finding bad breath medicines, it is important to consider that there is no such thing as magical medicine which can immediately cure your condition. First and foremost, you cannot get a medicine over the counter without having to trace the root of your bad breath condition. There are bad breath medicines available, but these are actually offered in different methods. Not all of these methods are the right solution to your case.
So, before you actually pay for medicines, isolate the real cause of your halitosis. Halitosis results from a variety of causes and your treatment will relatively depend on which one why you are suffering from this condition.
So, for example, if your bad breath is the result of not properly practicing dental hygiene, all you will need for this is to ensure you correct this malpractice and do it regularly. But if your condition is past that basic cause, you need other way. For instance, if the cause is due to sinusitis, tonsillitis, and others, you will need to treat these medical conditions first before you can proceed with bad breath medicines.
Meanwhile, herbs, minerals, and other natural products can be used to cure severe bad breath symptoms. Many people have been relying on the wonders of natural resources for they not only effectively cure bad breath problems but they have therapeutic natural compounds found in them making them ideal to promote good physical condition and healthy mouth. If you consult with a dental professional or physical doctor, other kinds of bad breath medicines may be recommended depending on the real culprit of your halitosis condition.
Whatever bad breath medicines that are being prescribed, it is important that you still practice the proper oral hygiene care along with the medication intake. Brushing, flossing, mouth rinsing, avoiding spicy foods, taking care of your physical condition are among the most important proper practices to avoid bad breath.
Having a good breath and healthy mouth condition is not only a reason to smile more often but to have more confidence when you are talking in front of the people. You will find that is it also what people would not mind having in every person they wish to talk in front with, instead of suffering from the horrible fit of bad gas coming from the mouth of the sufferer.
If you have a good breath, it would never be a hassle to your social life; thus, a much happier life as well.

Do You Have The Signs of Bad Breath?
Are your colleagues starting to slowly shy away from you? Do you notice people you are talking in front with distance themselves a bit from you? Do they cover their mouths every time you speak? If you answer yes to all of these questions, for sure all these circumstances make you lose your confidence? And it’s disturbing, right? You know there is something wrong with you.
And if you guessed it is because you are a sufferer of halitosis, which means you have a bad breath, you may probably be one hundred percent right. In all of the mentioned situations above, those are the signs of bad breath.
And if you don’t particularly take care of it, there’s going to be more repeats of those circumstances. And you don’t want that, because you might end up without friends at all. The problem with halitosis is you can’t easily learn if you are already a sufferer of one. The reason is you can’t possibly smell your breath via your own nose. It always has to take someone else before you find out you have a bad breath. Sometimes, bad breath can become so disgustingly stinky that even from a fair distance people can smell.
There are many causes why halitosis occurs.
People suffering from bad breath usually have problems practicing the proper oral dental hygiene. Not properly brushing and flossing teeth leave food and beverage particles in between the teeth and around the mouth lining. The particles breed bad bacteria, which then causes your breath to stink.
Having a dry mouth is another cause of halitosis. When people don’t hydrate their mouth often by drinking lots of water, there are changes occurring inside. First, the bacteria that are already accumulated inside the mouth and the saliva become much more concentrated. The saliva tends to alter its acid or base balance, which become a favorite of the bad bacteria to be their breeding grounds. As your mouth continues to be dry, the changing of the acid or base balance evaporates into the air causing that stinking bad breath.
You also suffer from bad breath when there is a yellow or white film visible on your tongue. This happens when there is a nasal mucous that drops into the areas of the tongue. The nasal mucous itself has bad bacteria and is odorous such that when it mixes with the saliva and the lining of the mouth, it turns your breath smelly too. Removing the film on the tongue by brushing or scraping it usually does not cure the problem. A treatment must be sought to correct the root of the problem.
People taking medications can also suffer from symptoms of bad breath. Often, taking medication results to suffering from having bad tastes such as bitter, metallic, and sour tastes. This is also causes the bad bacteria to develop; hence the bad breath. Bad tastes are also experienced when there are dental infections, sinus drainage, white nodules from the tonsils, and destroyed dental restorations. All of these situations cause reduction in the salivary flow thus the bad breath condition.
If brushing, flossing, and mouth rinsing do not make a difference in treating your halitosis, this is already a sign that you have the signs of bad breath. In this connection, there is no better solution but to visit your dentist or physician to ensure the problem is correctly diagnosed and treated.

Different Causes of Bad Breath
It is interesting to learn that there are millions with hundred types of bacteria living in your mouth. You probably thought these bacteria are the cause why bad breath develops. But though they area easily regarded as the one doing the works to cause that shameful mouth condition, not all of them are bad actually. Most of them work hard to continue keeping your mouth healthy by helping you digest food you intake and keep dangerous bacteria from making themselves at home.
So, if it is not the bacteria, what are the causes of bad breath?
Bad breath is the condition which gives off foul smell and can be an embarrassing condition which can lead to psychological and emotional setback to an individual with such case. It is not caused by all the bacteria residing in the mouth, but certain things can cause them to turn into bad bacteria and collectively create foul smelling compounds. Food and beverage particles that mix with the saliva are turned into bad bacteria particularly if these are not applied with proper oral care.
Some of the common causes why bad breath occurs are:
Dry mouth – this is the reason why it is recommended that you take lots of water to ensure you retain moist in the mouth and inhibit bacteria from growing bad compounds. The saliva inside the mouth is considered the cleansing agent naturally produced, but if this went dry plaque has better chances of gathering on the teeth. The bacteria around the mouth are then fed into this plaque and eventually create foul smelling breath. Drinking lots of water then through the day cleanses your mouth and as well as your breath.
Improper oral hygiene – if you can’t keep practice oral hygiene, it is so easy for the bad bacteria to collect in your mouth. Plaque and tartar are then developed to not only destroy your teeth but your breath as well. Plaque and tartar are the best breeding grounds for these bacteria, so it is vital that you practice proper oral hygiene such as regularly brushing, flossing, and sometimes, mouth rinsing. If in case plaque and tartar are already collected, this warrants professional care and treatment from a qualified dentist to stop them from spreading even more.
Sinus conditions – sometimes, even if you practice proper oral care and keep your mouth hydrated, your breath still comes off with foul smell. In this case, this can be contributed by a certain medical condition, particularly, by a sinus condition. It causes you bad breath because there is extra mucus that collects on the tongue. The mucus itself is already a foul-smelling compound, so when this comes in contact with the tongue and lingers, the breeding of bacteria which then cause bad breath. If you have a sinus condition, it is best to see a doctor to ask for proper medical treatment.
Other types of infections can also cause bad breath, and the same as sinus infection, it is important that you consult with your physician to ensure they are treated properly. Halitosis, or simply bad breath, can be avoided and stopped if the causes are traced and treated accordingly.
Proper oral hygiene care, lots of water intake, proper treatment of certain medical conditions, plus regular medical checkups, are simple ways which you can practice to avoid getting yourself into the embarrassment usually provided by suffering from bad breath.

Different Bad Breath Cures
Who wants to have bad breath? No one, right? You will never dream to have such problem because you don’t want people to step back from you or maintain a certain distance when talking to you. The sad truth is, some people will even avoid direct contact with you. As you know discover that you have a bad breath, you better find out the different bad breath cures immediately.
Bad or foul breath, also known as halitosis, will surely interfere not just in your social life but also in your professional success. Good thing, this problem can be treated. In fact, the Center for Breath Treatment assures Americans who are suffering from this disease that there is now a highly effective cure for bad breath. But you should be aware first of its causes so your immediate family members and your close friends can avoid getting such problem.
Bad Breath Causes
• Dental Decay and Diseased Gums
This is the most familiar causes of bad breath. When the roots of your teeth starts to decay, the gums will have abscesses with smelly pus and this will result to bad breath. And do you know that even the small holes in your teeth are breeding grounds for germs that may also make your breath foul smelling?
• Throat, Nose, and Respiratory Tract problems
Yes, you read it right. The conditions of your respiratory organs especially your nose, throat and respiratory tract affects the odor of your breath. Chronic tonsillitis, lung diseases, chronic gastritis, and sinusitis also make your breath foul smelling. Other cases of bad breath are also caused by intestinal sluggishness, intestinal disorder, and chronic constipation.
Natural Bad Breath Cures
• Fenugreek treatment
The use of fenugreek is proven to be the most effective home remedy for halitosis. The tea, which is made from the seeds of such vegetable, must be taken on a regular basis to remedy this problem. Here’s how you can prepare this tea: in half liter cold water, put one teaspoon of seeds and let it simmer in low flame for fifteen minutes. Strain and drink it as a tea.
• Avocado Halitosis Treatment
The avocado fruit is another effective cure for bad breath. It is far more effective than other mouth lotions and bad breath cures. Such fruit effectively eliminates intestinal decomposition or putrefaction, which is a common cause of foul-smelling breath.
• Guava Bad Breath Treatment
Unripe guavas are also effective in treating halitosis because it has malic, phosphoric, tanic and oxalic acids. It is also a source of manganese, oxalate and calcium. These acids and elements make the guava fruit an ideal tonic for gums and teeth. Bleeding of gums and teeth can also be stopped by chewing tender leaves of guava.
• Parsley Treatment
Parsley, as one of the different bad breath cures, is prepared by boiling two cups of water with coarsely chopped parsley and two to three whole cloves. If you will use ground cloves, you only need to put a quarter teaspoon. To cool, stir this mixture occasionally. Strain it and use as a gargle a number of times a day.
While these different bad breath cures prove to be effective, you should not ignore the simple ways to keep your breath’s odor at a tolerable level. Don’t forget to brush and clean your teeth at least twice a day, especially before going to bed. Remove meat particles using a toothpick. Your decaying teeth and diseased gums, on the other hand, must be treated by a dentist.

Chronic Bad Breath
Chronic bad breath can consistently interfere in your social activities. It can even prevent you from getting more friends and affiliates. But how do you really know that you have a worse case of halitosis? There are more ways than you can imagine, which will not suggest you get into shameful situations. There are even some physical indications for you to watch out. Here are few tips on how to know you have it:
1.) The tongue has two parts: the posterior and the anterior. The posterior is the back part of your tongue while the anterior is the front most part. If you consistently have a white or yellow film in your tongue, especially on the posterior part, it is already an indication that you may be having bacteria of halitosis underway. Get a spoon, a good metal or silver one, and scrape that part of your tongue.
Don’t mind the soft, white or yellow matter you get by doing so. It’s not the main thing or important thing, and if it smells so bad then you definitely have a bad breath. Another way is by licking your wrist and having it dry in about five seconds. Smell it and whatever it turns out to, that’s the way you smell to others.
2.) The mouth is not supposed to smell as well as tasting that bad. When you usually have that bad taste inside your mouth, you should know that it is the main indication of you having a very bad breath.
3.) Another way of knowing you have a bad breath is when people back away from you when you are talking. You should be aware of this simple situation as it only indicates that you are an undesirable talker because you foul the air.
4.) There are people that are more vocal or honest to the extent of telling you at front that you have a chronic bad breath. Some people, on the other hand, are less blunt and may just offer you candy or mint or chewing gum.
5.) Another very good indication that you are suffering in a chronic bad breath is when you don’t get friends or people don’t like talking or simply being with you.
Growing socially is very important for everyone. This is why you have to treat your chronic bad breath immediately. But how do you do it? There are also very many ways on how you can have it prevented as well as treated. Some are listed below for your preferences.
1.) Improve your oral hygiene. The keyword is to do it properly and regularly. Don’t just simply brush it. Floss and use mouthwash for even better results.
2.) Drink plenty of fluids but this does not include coffee or alcohol as these drinks leave residues that may even cultivate your halitosis into severe condition.
3.) Eat fibrous foods as they are very good for your oral and overall health.
4.) Whenever you eat dairy foods, fish and meat, make sure you brush your teeth, tongue, and gums as these foods are very heavy on smell.
5.) Never finish your brushing habit without brushing your tongue with more attention on the back part as it is there where bacteria are thriving.
Use these tips and you will surely make a life changing treatment to your chronic bad breath.

Bad Breath Treatment Steps
A bad breath can spoil something romantic going on with your loved one, so it is important to have it treated immediately. Bad breath of halitosis is can be prevented by exercising proper oral hygiene. This will include cleaning and brushing your teeth very regularly. Also, flossing will be very helpful in doing the same.
It may be very difficult to have your breath smelled by your seatmate, family, or even friends. But you can have it prevented, cured, or even make your own self test to know if you have it. Here are tips on how to test and cure bad breath:
1.) One of the simplest tests to know if you have bad breath is by licking your wrist. Have it dried for at least five seconds. As soon as it dries, smell it. How does it smell to you? That’s how you smell, rather your breath smells when you air it out.
2.) If you are sure that you have a bad odor in your mouth, you have to strengthen your oral hygiene. You don’t have to overdo it but make sure that you still do it regularly. Using some more oral hygienic materials like breath fresheners and mouth wash will also promote better smell inside your mouth.
The situation above is a mild cause of halitosis. There are worse cases of this oral condition that involves surmounting bad smell. This is characterized with a really bad odor that never goes away even if you brush your teeth all the time. Even minutes right after brushing, you will have that bad smell in your mouth. When this is what you are already experiencing, it is a must that you contact a reputed dental professional to help you solve the problem.
Bad breath is usually caused by bacteria that thrive around the mouth, especially in the posterior of the tongue. The tongue is composed of the anterior, which is the front most, and the posterior, which is the back part. Bacteria are often accumulated on the teeth, the tongue, and the mouth walls. The tongue is the most prevalent place for bacteria. You can also do a good self test if you have this condition through the tip below:
1.) Get a spoon, preferably a metal spoon to do the test. Scrape the posterior part of your tongue. Don’t worry if there is a whitey matter in the spoon after scraping. That is just normal and that is what the procedure is all about.
2.) Smell the white matter. If it has a very bad odor, then you are sure that you have oral bacteria living in your posterior that is causing the bad smell.
3.) Continue your regular oral hygiene but this time, using more efficient and proven mouth wash or deodorizer to take the bad odor away. The best time to use these materials is before bedtime.
4.) Use a tongue cleaner and do the cleaning right at the back of your tongue.
5.) Drink plenty of fluids but avoiding too much coffee and alcohol because these drinks
usually leave residues in the posterior of your tongue which will even worsen your case.
6.) Make it appoint to clean your teeth and mouth when you have eaten fish and meat. Dairy products must also be treated in the same way.
7.) Whenever you feel your mouth is a bit dry, chew sugar-free chewing gum. Doing so will increase the saliva production in your mouth, which is the natural cleanser and maintenance of your oral system.
8.) Fresh and fibrous foods will also help you maintain clean fresh breath so take them often.
9.) Seek the advice of a dental professional to permanently cure the oral condition you have.

Economical Remedies For Bad Breath
Have you been fed up of the embarrassing experiences that you’ve been through because of bad breath? Surely, you just want your confidence back and smile without thinking that someone might again butt in and tell you that your breath smells bad. Well, you don’t have to worry that much since there are now lots of ways on how to get rid of bad breath; thanks to the sciences. Different bad breath remedies are also available. These are treatment that you can do at home and which will not need you to spend much.
So what are the bad breath remedies that you can do at home? Here are some of them:
1.) Drink lots and lots of water
• According to some experts, drinking lots of all through the day will help you minimize your bad breath problem. This is especially important for people who suffer from excessively dry mouths.
In order to wash out the foods in our mouth, saliva is needed. It serves as a diluting agent for the bacteria and its waste product it produce. Thus, we need our body to produce more saliva. But, if we are dehydrated, there is a tendency that the body will reduce the saliva it produces. And when there is not enough saliva produced, you’re at a great risk to have bad breath.
2.) Rinse the mouth
• Just by rinsing your mouth every once in a while, you can be sure that no food particle is left in your mouth and gum line. Bacterial waste products will also be diluted by rinsing; thus, reducing or eliminating the cause of bad breath.
3.) Stimulate saliva flow
• By stimulating the saliva flow in your body, you are assured of minimizing unpleasant breath odor. So how can you stimulate saliva flow? The trick is to chew something when you feel that your mouth is becoming dry. This action will make your body think that you are eating and thus will produce more saliva for digestion.
You can chew parsley or some mint. Or you can choose to chew some gums or lozenges; just make sure that you get something that’s sugar-free.
4.) Clean the mouth properly
• After eating, it is important to clean your mouth thoroughly. And since anaerobic bacteria tend to thrive on protein-rich food, it is more important to clean your mouth properly after eating meat, fish, poultry and other foods with high protein content.
How will you clean your mouth? Here are some tips:
• Brush and floss daily – actually, most expert advice that you should brush your teeth 2-3 times a day and floss at least twice.
• Scrape your tongue using a tongue scraper to make sure that the bacteria sticking on and under it will be eliminated
• Make sure that you do not use any oral hygiene products that contain sodium lauryl sulphate or alcohol.
• Using of products that contain zinc compounds and/or chlorine dioxide is also a great way to clean the mouth.
Now that you know the different bad breath remedies that you can follow without having to spend up all your savings, you’ll no longer have to worry about having bad breaths. But, you know, it is still better to prevent bad breath than curing it. And one way to avoid it is by not eating too much food that has strong odors like onion and garlic. And of course, visiting your dentist at least twice a year is the best way to have fresh breath and stronger teeth.

Toddlers Bad Breath - Facts And Possibilities
It is just so overwhelming to see our children grow. You just can’t imagine how big your little baby has grown and now he is always up and running. And for being a mother that you are, you always want the best for your little one. You want him to have strong bones, bright eyes and even beautiful white teeth. Along with the latter, you surely want your baby to have baby fresh breath always.
Now, you will surely be in haste if you found out that your baby have bad breath. Yes, it is surprising because most people have the notion that babies will not have stinky and unpleasant breath. But, this is just normal. Yes, bad breath in toddlers is normal. It is unlikely that they will eat smelly foods like garlic and onions but it is still possible for them to have bad breaths.
Here are some things that may cause bad breath in toddlers;
• Sleeping – since saliva production is minimal when a person sleeps, babies are prone to have bad breath because they tend to sleep longer than adults.
• Breathing through the mouth – because most toddlers and babies breath through the mouth, they tend to have bad breath. Why? Well, because breathing through the mouth will make it dry and cause odor-causing bacteria to grow.
• Baby Things – sucking the thumbs or blanket, which are common to toddlers and babies, can also cause the mouth to dry.
Since your toddlers are not yet aware of proper hygiene, you should be the one taking care of your toddler’s mouth. So what are the things that you can do to prevent bad breath in toddlers?
Here are some of them:
• Just like in adults, the best thing to do to avoid bad breath is by having proper oral hygiene such as the following;
- - Rinsing the mouth after eating; you can use mouthwash
- - Dinking plenty of water
- - Cleaning the tongue properly
- - Proper brushing and flossing
• Getting proper oral hygiene products that are appropriate for your kid is also a great way to keep your baby’s breath fresh
• Regularly bring your toddler to the pediatrician. Doing this will make sure that your baby is always well and do not suffer from any kind of infection which usually causes bad breath.
Teaching your toddler to brush properly is the first technique that you can impart to your toddler. This way, you can be rest assured that your child will have good oral habit even this early; and thus, ensuring fresh breath and clean mouth always. Aside from that, you can also keep your child from foods with strong odors as well as foods that contains high amount of sugar.
If you still need more information about bad breath in toddlers, you can conduct your own research. The internet is the best avenue for you to do that. There are lots of websites online that provide guides, information and tips concerning bad breath in children. You can search through these websites to find the right bits and pieces of information that you need. But you know what; the best place where you can get info is the dental clinic.
Ask your dentists about the best practices and techniques on how you can keep your toddlers safe from the hassles of bad breath and unhealthy mouth.

Bad Breath - Dont Be A Victim
You wouldn’t want to be suffering from embarrassment caused by having bad breath, right? Well, we all do. And that’s why we always want to make sure that our breath is fresh and our mouth is always clean. Yeah, proper oral hygiene is the key to keeping bad breath at bay. But, guess what? Just merely having an oral regimen is not enough to fight off anaerobic bacteria. You need to have proper knowledge of this condition so you’ll know exactly what to do whenever bad breath strikes. Yes, bad breath disease can strike from time to time. And it’s what you should be prepared for.
The first thing that you need is know what bad breath disease really is. There are lots of resources out there where you can find complete information about halitosis, or what commonly known as bad breath. You can search the internet, read some books and magazines about oral health or you can go directly to your dentist and ask about it. And along with finding information about bad breath, you will also learn about the different things that may cause bad breath.
So what are the culprits? Here are some:
• Tooth Decay – if one or two of your teeth have decay, you can expect to have unpleasant breath odor.
• Periodontal Disease – also known as gum disease; if you have any problem with your gums, you are most likely to have bad breath
• Plaque – when you have plaque or even some food particles between your teeth, there is a high risk that you will have bad breath
• Dry Mouth – we need saliva to wash out the foods in our mouth but if you have dry mouth,
these food particles will remain there and cause unpleasant odor
• Tonsil or Throat Infection – some problems in the throat are also known to cause bad breath
If you are already suspecting that you have bad breath, it is better that you really consult a dentist. Your dentist will know what steps to take to solve your problem. Usually, a prophylaxis will be performed to see if dental plaque or food stagnation is the cause of bad breath. Now, in case there is no oral cause identified, you may need to visit other clinics that specialize in breath odor problems. Or maybe, you are just being too conscious about your breath and the problem is psychological.
But, you know what? Having a fresher breath actually depends on your oral hygiene and how you take care of yourself. The following are some of the things that you can do to keep your breath always smelling good;
• Don’t just brush – plain brushing is not enough to clean the teeth and mouth; in addition, you need to floss or other special brushes as per your dentist’s recommendation to make sure that hard-to-reach areas in the mouth are also cleaned thoroughly.
• Clean the tongue – dental experts recommend that you use tongue cleaners to clean your tongue up to the back areas since this is where odor-causing bacteria live.
• Mouthwash it – before sleeping or each time you can’t brush after meal, it is advisable to use mouthwash.
• Proper diet – eating fresh and fibrous vegetables will help you maintain clean mouth all the time. Avoiding too much coffee will also help.
• Drink more water – drinking lots of water will help your body produce more saliva which is needed to flush the food particles in the mouth.

Avoid Bad Breath
Bad breath is not a simple condition that you can easily shrug off and pretend it is not there. Although it does not always cause serious dental and medical conditions, it can bring you more trouble than you expected. Bad breath is a perfect source of embarrassment and a condition that can lose your confidence. All it ever does is come out of your mouth and the whiff causes the people you talk with in proximate distance to cover their noses or back off a bit. Admit it. It is not only embarrassing but disturbing as well. This shameful circumstance can bring you psychologically and emotionally down.
Why bad breath occurs?
The most common cause why bad breath, or medically termed as halitosis, develop is when food particles linger in the mouth. These are trapped in between teeth, debris in the lining of the mouth and on the tongue. There are bacteria that keep themselves busy so as to prevent bad bacteria from forming. However, when you don’t clean your mouth and teeth to get rid of these particles, bad bacteria are immediately attracted causing them to form a community inside. Bad bacteria carry compounds which now cause your breath to smell foul.
The lack of water intake is another cause for bad breath. Dry mouth is where bad bacteria love inhabiting themselves about because of the less moisture for them to keep working on.
Smoking also causes your breath to smell bad. Not only that. It can cause tartar and plaque, another reason why breath smells bad, to build up.
Another reason for bad breath is infections such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, and other similar conditions. Infections carry themselves compounds which are absorbed down the mouth and cause the breath to smell bad. Aside from this, there are certain medical conditions that trigger halitosis such as kidney problems, diabetes, periodontitis, and others.
In addition, a person taking prescription drugs can be candidate as well for suffering from halitosis. There is a wide variety of prescription drugs, which when taken orally, cause breath to smell bad.
How to Avoid Bad Breath
Bad breath can be avoided. One of the things that you can do is to practice regular oral dental hygiene. Brushing and flossing twice a day is a simple but effective way to avoid bad bacteria causing halitosis to form a community inside your mouth.
To clean completely your mouth and breath, mouth wash is also recommended. Since brushing and flossing alone do not completely vacuum your mouth with dirt, the rinse scrapes off any debris left around the lining of the mouth and tongue.
Tongue scraping is also a great way to prevent bacteria from reproducing and breeding grounds for bad bacteria.
Keeping your mouth hydrated by drinking water all throughout the day helps these bacteria busy working; thus, avoiding the breed of bad compounds.
Checking with your physician and dentist is a must once you are plagued with the condition. If bad breath continues even if you practice proper oral dental care, there is something wrong with your medical condition. If this is the case, the right person to diagnose and provide treatment is your physician or medical doctor.
Talking with your dental hygienist is a big step towards curing halitosis and gaining your confidence afterwards. Bad breath is never a simple thing to consider. If you don’t want to be affected by the negative things it comes with, take care of your own hygiene and check regularly with your physician.

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